ENISA F-OCU-22-C31 LOT5/Cyprus


ENISA is responsible for executing the Cybersecurity Support Action in 2022, which aims to assist European Union Member States in mitigating the risks of large-scale cybersecurity incidents. As per Articles 6 and 7 of the Cybersecurity Act (881/2019), ENISA will provide support services to EU Member States upon request. This Call for Tenders seeks to bolster ENISA’s efforts in carrying out this task by specifically enhancing preparedness and response services for cybersecurity incidents within the Union. The services offered by ENISA will supplement the measures taken by EU Member States and the Union to improve readiness and capacity in handling major cybersecurity incidents or crises.

ENISA has developed a portfolio of exercise kits and requests a platform that will support the execution of operational-type exercises (simulations). This platform should be able to import the provided kits in a structured format. IANUS as the contractor for this request will implement a suitable platform for conducting exercises with players across the EU MS, without undue technical restrictions on the participants’ side. The platform will import exercise kits and will allow modification of exercise parameters, personalisation and localisation.


"IANUS is defined as Partner, for guiding the technical team, evaluating the quality of deliverables, assessing threats and proposing mitigation actions to produce useful results, and ensuring the quality of provided services."