Within the framework of SafeTravellers project, IANUS is leading Task 6.6 “TRL/SRL Validation, Lessons Learnt, Recommendations and Best Practices for Travellers, Border Authorities and other Institutional Users”, whereas it is a vital contributor for the rest of the tasks of the WP 6 titled “Pilot Validation Campaigns and User Acceptance”. IANUS is also the leader of Task 7.5 “Contributions to Standardisation Bodies, Operational Processes and Alliances” which will determine the project's standardisation strategy, primarily by carefully analysing the key innovations' potential for standardisation and mapping those innovations to the standardisation objectives, in order to create a realistic plan for submitting contributions to the appropriate standardization bodies. IANUS will actively contribute to the Task 7.1 “Project Branding, Dissemination and Public Outreach” of the WP 7 “Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation” establishing the D&C strategy for the project and a detailed D&C plan covering all dissemination and communication activities at project level over the duration of the project, adapted to the different target audiences and objectives.

Identity theft is rapidly expanding, causing substantial financial loss to millions of people all around the world. This invisible crime is also widespread across EU countries, where a growing number of citizens is targeted by sophisticated fraudulent attacks each year, both offline and online. 56% of Europeans have experienced at least one type of fraud in the last two years. European security officials speak of an “epidemic” created by a spike in demand from asylum-seekers and from terrorists carrying counterfeit documents to enter the EU. Security documents are increasingly being counterfeited or tampered with by criminals to facilitate transnational crime. The continued vulnerability of different types of identity and travel documents makes it extremely difficult to combat this problem.
SafeTravellers value proposition aims at a) strengthening the security at the borders, b) improving the productivity of the Border Authorities and LEAs by providing them with the appropriate tools to combat identity fraud at the hardware, identity and travel document, and biometrics level, while c) offering a frictionless border crossing experience for EU/TCN citizens as they will not have to stop at the border checkpoints.
SafeTravellers is both proposing a new way of citizen identification based on multiple biometrics instead of the problematic identity document, as well as an enhancement of the current way of identity verification at the borders through a set of tools that will detect attacks at the biometric hardware, identity and travel document fraud and attempts to falsify biometrics. The proposed solution is GDPR compliant and introduces various privacy-preserving mechanisms to safeguard the citizens’ rights. Through the distributed European Multi-Biometric Data Space offered by SafeTravellers, each Member State will keep in its jurisdiction the personal data of its country nationals while allowing cross-border identity checks without transferring or revealing any biometric data.